Living in or near Dover-Foxcroft, Maine? Need physical therapy to treat an injury or medical condition? Our team at Back in Motion Physical Therapy’s Dover-Foxcroft clinic is here to help you get the therapy you need. Our Dover-Foxcroft clinic is located at 1008 W Main Street. Need to get in touch with us? Contact us by phone at 207-560-9346 or by fax at (877) 468-5551. You can even schedule an appointment or complimentary screening online.
Our Dover-Foxcroft therapy team has experience helping people treat a wide range of injuries and medical issues. Some of the issues we can help treat include:
There are many therapy techniques out there, and our Dover-Foxcroft clinic team is well versed in the most effective, evidence-based methods. We also excel at combining multiple techniques to create personalized therapy plans fitted to your needs. A few of the techniques that could be included in your therapy plan are:
The sacroiliac (SI) joints are the joints that link the pelvis with the lower spine. Each person has two sacroiliac joints.
Physical therapy can help heal the bone, tissue and even nerve damage that can result from a crush injury to the hand.
There are a range of conditions that can cause your neck to feel heavy: concussions, anxiety or even sinus infections.