We approach therapy differently, provide pioneering care solutions, and cultivate an environment to achieve superior outcomes to get our patients better faster. Excel therapists and staff think beyond your condition and are concerned with your care and lifestyle as a whole. Throughout your care and beyond, we encourage direct communication through a HIPAA compliant system that allows you to access your therapist via email and text directly.
Sports therapy
Post-Surgical/Joint Replacement
Access Therapy & Pain Management
Occupational Therapy
Blood Flow Restriction
Aquatic Therapy
The sacroiliac (SI) joints are the joints that link the pelvis with the lower spine. Each person has two sacroiliac joints.
Physical therapy can help heal the bone, tissue and even nerve damage that can result from a crush injury to the hand.
There are a range of conditions that can cause your neck to feel heavy: concussions, anxiety or even sinus infections.